Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Erdin-cino?, originally uploaded by i am yj.

went to marche yesterday night after watching 'charlie and choc factory' (which is a brilliant show... johnny depp is now my all time fav actor... =D)

had a mini rosti and my dear bot bread, a cheese dish which i have forgotten the name of (sounds like 'rack')... which came wif a glass of wine... he chose a lovely light french chardonnay... and he also got a big glass of erdinger...

so we're eating and drinking and aft finishing the beer... we were lookin at the beautiful glass and the coaster tt came wif it... a flip to the back revealed this pretty amusing image...

how come the beer got so much foam? the beer tt we got didn't have such a big 'head'! after much silly-ness, we decided tt it looks more like a latte and my friend den dubbed it an 'Erdin-cino' (a la frappucino)... ahhahaha

see what happens when u share half litre of beer! =P


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